Energizing your Base Chakra
Hello Beautiful Beings!
I thought now, with Mother Nature quickly blooming and changing, would be a great time to write about the root chakra, and how to open yourself up to the force of nature.
When your root chakra is blocked, you may feel yourself becoming emotionally needy, have low self-esteem, fearful, and expressing self destructive behavior.
We want you feeling grounded, secure, and happy with physical life itself. Practicing self mastery plays an important roll to all the chakras. Believe and encourage yourself to explore new fulfilling opportunities.
Building your Altar
The first thing I do when expanding on a particular chakra, is build an altar.
I used an elephant to symbolize new ventures and beginnings.
Myrhh incense to bring yourself into a spiritual state.
Credarwood scented candle. I use my 4oz Root Chakra Candle for this.
Grounding stones which include Tourmaline, Red Jasper, and Tigers Eye.
And last but not least, I brought in some ivy, palo santo, and proporgated succulent mother leaves.
The ivy, like us, continues to grow whether it’s an issue for some people or not. Don’t let anyone put an end to your spiritual growth.
The Palo Santo Stick for cleaning and healing.
Proporgated succulent leaves to symbolize “life after death”. Although, I’m not speaking about the afterlife. The succulent leaf is pulled away from its root, it’s life source, and continues to build its own roots to supply and care for itself. From there, it’s foundation grows(it’s stem) then new leaves come along.
Remember that building your own alter may look completely different from mine. Find items that symbolize your growth and foundations.
Root Chakra Mediation
Lie on the floor with your arms to your side, palms down. Grounding stone in each hand. Bend your knees and place them about shoulder width apart. Take a deep breath and press your lower back to the floor as you breathe out.
Continue to bridge pose, lifting your bum upwards to the sky. Keep your spine straight. Continue to breathe at your own pace.
Come back down slowly, bringing the upper back down the the floor first, followed by the tailbone.
While doing this meditation, ask yourself a few questions.
How do you honor your body? Do you address diet, exercise, and relax regurally?
What reward have you given yourself today? A gift, affirmation, praise, or good turn?
Have you lost contact with family or friends? How could you re-establish connections?
Does your home reflect who you truly are? If not, how can you change it?
My body is becoming more important to me. I nurture it constantly.
I am taking responsibility for my life. I can cope with any situation.
I recognize the abundance of love, trust, and care surrounding me.
I am connected to Mother Earth and know the security of being grounded in reality, in the moment.
Thank you guys for reading today and I’d love to hear about your grounding expierences.
Much love❤️
Thank you!